Monday, August 29, 2011

Nightfall in Downtown Chattanooga

Through the summer, Chattanooga sponsors an open air, evening concert series called "Nightfall". I didn't go down for the music, but I happened by just after and decided to take some pictures. Similar to the pictures of the Terminal, I used long exposure to highlight structure and focal pieces while people swirl around them. Since motorcycles are the only ones allowed past the roadblock, they definitely factor in people conversations. What do you guys think of them?

Also had spent some time down by the Choo Choo. Most of you will recognize the name from the song even if you have never seen it in real life. 

I think this is my favorite of the night

Sunday, August 28, 2011

The Terminal

Newer restaurant and bar in downtown Chattanooga. I loved the contrast of the lights and structures being motionless and sharp, while all the motions swirls past like water. You will probably see more of this type of picture in the future. As I improve, I realize more and more just how much I love the effect that only time and delay can bring to the photograph. You are never quite sure what it will turn out like. So many intricacies are only highlighted when viewed in composite with other movements around it. Anyway... enough from me. Hope you like them as much as I do.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Sunset in the Cemetery

Just a teaser of what I have in the works from last night. Enjoy!

Memorial to soldiers buried in the cemetery (over 12,000) that died in the area between 1861-1865.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

August Winner!!!

Congrats to ... Liz!!!!

She has entered several times, and this is her lucky turn. She has one a framed print completely free! Here are the choices. Just let me know which one you would like and I will get it taken care of.

In other news, here are the last of my pictures from the other night. This was a good series for me. I have a couple of new concepts that I plan to be working out. Also a couple of places that I will re-visit. So without further ado... What do you think?

Monday, August 22, 2011

Market Street Panorama Pictures

Some more of the pictures from the other night. These are the panos and I will have the normal ones later. Hope you like. I will be posting the winner of the August Giveaway later on. Stay tuned for more...

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Spending time downtown... again...

Revisited one my "old faithful" spots yesterday along with scouting some new locations. On the way back to the truck, I got this picture that I am super excited about. I just had to go ahead and share it. Hope you ike it. Don't forget about the August Giveaway. There is still a little over a day left to enter.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Golf Course pics

Took some time at a local course to get some of their landscaping. Took a fall landscape picture there that turned out great. This is my summer re-visit. No surprise that my favorite on this trip was taken in the same spot and in the same perspective as last time.

Don't forget to check out the August giveaway. (here it is) Still a few days to get in on it. It is for a framed print. There are several to choose from. Check it out and sign up. You have till Monday.

Hope you guys like these latest. I am looking forward to the weekend. Should be able to get a few new ones to upload as well. Let me know what you think about these.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

August Giveaway!!!

It's that time again. This month the giveaway is for a framed print. There are several to choose from. Check them out...

Ok, so here are the rules. Three ways to qualify. First is to "share" this on Facebook. That can be accomplished by the widget in the top right corner of this post. Another way to share is to copy and paste the address and then post it to your profile manually. Of course, if you were re-directed to this site from FB to start with, you can just cheat and share the link to your profile. All about making it easy here...
Option 2 is to become an email subcriber. This was by far the most popular option last giveaway that I ran. In the box to the side labeled "follow by email", enter your email address. They won't spam you or anything like that.
Option 3 is to become a follower of the blog. If you are new to blogging and not sure how to do it, email me ( and I will walk you through it.
Of course, and most importantly, make sure to email me, message me on Facebook, or post a comment after you enter to win. I wouldn't want anyone to go through the trouble of entering and then not get credit for it.
Good luck to all. This will run through next Monday night. After it closes, I will have the patented Corwine random number generator pick the lucky winner. Let the fun begin...

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Early Morning Lake Chickamauga

I wanted to come visit here on Saturday morning, but the clouds were non-existent, so I decided to post-pone till evening sunset picture. Well, I got rained out last night, so I got up early this morning. This place is definitely on my list of places to revisit as the seasons change this year. Can you imagine the fall colors? What about the winter mists? I am pretty stoked about it. Let me know what you think. Once again, these are  natural colors, no photoshop color changes.

Friday, August 12, 2011

August Free Download

Hey guys. Just checking in with the download for this month. It is quickly becoming one of my favorites. Definitely going to add it to my wall hanger collection. Hope you like. Feel free to pass it around. Simply right click on the image below and select "Save as" to enjoy the visual goodness that is this picture for your own... (sorry. couldn't resist :-))

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Sunsets without artificial color

These are some of the first images that I have been content to let them be seen sans extensive editing. I just received the filters that I had been waiting on and they work WONDERFULLY!!!! Hope you guys like these. Should be seeing the August download in the next couple of days. Also debating what to do for the giveaway this month. Any suggestions???

Cheesy picture, but I really liked the texture of the clouds

Same here, not that great of a scene, but the clouds are great.

Almost like waves on the ocean...