Thursday, October 13, 2011

Deer in the park

Here are the pictures I promised on the October Giveaway post. By the way, if you have not yet entered to win, you can do so here.
I borrowed a lens to get a closer look. Much thanks to Scott and Beth for hooking me up.

"Gimme some sugar..."

These next ones were a series. Allow me to interpret what I think was going through their minds... After all, I feel qualified since I am both a younger brother and a father. I have experience on both ends...

"Hey guys, watch this..."

"Leave me alone!!!"

"I was just playing..."

"Stop laughing!!!"

"I just want to be left alone..."

1 comment:

  1. You are too funny! Great pics, and I think I hear this conversation a LOT with the kids. LOL!
