Sunday, November 6, 2011

Downtown Chattanooga

I recently saw a picture that I really liked of downtown Chattanooga. I thought I would try to reproduce it. Since my version was timed at sunset/dusk, I needed to be on site well ahead of time to make sure I didn't miss it. Since I was there, I took a picture of some leaves on the walkway...

A sunset with fall colors along the bank...

... then realized I almost waited too long and ran to get into position. Here are a couple of different looks at the same shot.

I had a couple of teenage guys walk by and ask to be in the picture as well. I have to give them credit, because this was a six second shutter exposure. It is very difficult to stand perfectly still that long. What do you think?

Few last pictures of the night. Not the greatest composition or scenes, but I like the light trails. Hope you enjoy them also...


  1. The citylights are beautiful.... but I love the leaves along the way:-)


  2. Yup... haven't really done a lot with fall colors this year. I had better get started if I want to get any this year.
